Senin, 02 April 2018

Sexual Function, Self-image Improve After Clitoral Reconstruction

Sexual Function, Self-image Improve After Clitoral Reconstruction

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Clitoral reconstruction after female genital mutilation is associated with improved sexual function and genital self-image, clinicians from Spain report.

More than 200 million women living today have had female genital mutilation, and at least 3 million girls annually are at risk for mutilation, according to Drs. Ivan Manero and Trinidad Labanca from Ivan Manero Clinic in Barcelona. Clitoral reconstruction has emerged as an effective way to restore genitals and improve quality of life, they note in Obstetrics and Gynecology, online March 8.

In the report, the two clinicians describe their surgical technique for clitorolabial reconstruction using a vaginal graft and the outcomes of 32 women (median age, 35 years) with female genital mutilation before age 10 who underwent the procedure.

All women had successful clitoral reconstruction, and the grafts survived in all patients, with no intraoperative or postoperative complications, reoperations, or readmissions. Median follow-up after the procedure was 21 months.

Sexual function, measured on a scale from 2 to 36 by the 19-item Female Sexual Function Index, improved significantly from a median score of 16 preoperatively to 29 at six months after surgery.

Median Female Genital Self-Image Scale scores, which reflect a woman’s self-perception of her genitalia, improved from 11 preoperatively to 23 at 6 months postoperatively on a scale from 7 to 28.

“In our study, clitoral reconstruction using an epithelial vaginal graft was associated with a low rate of complications, improved sexual function, and favorable genital self-image changes,” the authors conclude. “Longitudinal study should be performed to confirm the effectiveness and safety of this procedure.”


Obstet Gynecol 2018.

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