Rabu, 24 Januari 2018

Do You Hug Your Patients?

Do You Hug Your Patients?

The clinician-patient relationship is intrinsically intimate. During clinical exams, physicians and other healthcare professionals may touch and palpate their patients, ask sensitive personal questions, and sometimes present them with gut-wrenching news. Despite all of that — or perhaps because of it — clinicians still debate a simple question.

Is it okay to hug your patients?

Given recent months’ numerous accusations leveled at prominent people for alleged sexual harassment and other inappropriate behavior, there is a new tone affecting personal interactions. While instances of assault are clear, it’s important to note that behavior that one person considers innocent could be distressing to someone else.

On the other hand, doctors care about their patients. Those who advocate for hugging are aware of the arguments against it, but they insist that common sense can alleviate the risk that the gesture might be unwelcome or misconstrued.

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